›› 2007, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (5): 939-943.
• 反应与分离 • 上一篇 下一篇
CHEN Xian,QIAO Xu,WANG Yong,TANG Ji-hai,CUI Mi-fen
摘要: 根据对氯化氢氧化平衡的计算和分析,提出将反应-脱水耦合技术应用于氯化氢氧化过程中,研究了反应-脱水耦合的模拟工艺. 结果表明,在氯化氢连续氧化的过程中,增加脱水过程能有效提高氯化氢的反应转化率. 考察了在氧气不过量情况下的多步脱水循环过程,结果显示提高二次氧化反应的温度可明显提高氯化氢的转化率,在HCl/O2摩尔比为8:1的条件下经过多步脱水循环反应,氯化氢的总转化率可以达到49.3%,反应混合气中氧气的体积含量低于0.2%. 该混合气可直接用于有机氯化过程.
关键词: 反应-脱水耦合, 氯化氢, 氯气, 催化氧化
Abstract: Based on thermodynamic calculation and analysis of equilibrium conversion rate of HCl oxidation, the reaction-dewatering coupling technique was applied to the oxidation process of hydrogen chloride, and the process simulation was studied in this work. The results show that the conversion rate of HCl was increased effectively by coupling dewatering in continuous HCl oxidation process. And the cyclic process for multi-dewatering steps under the condition of non-excessive oxygen was also studied. The results show that the conversion rate of HCl was evidently enhanced by increasing secondary oxidation temperature. And the mixture gas which could be used directly in organic chlorination process was obtained through multi-dewatering steps under the condition of the molar ratio of HCl/O2 at 8:1 with the total conversion rate of HCl at 49.3% and the volume content of oxygen in the mixture gas under 0.2%.
Key words: reaction-dewatering coupling, hydrogen chloride, chlorine, catalytic oxidation
陈献;乔旭;王永;汤吉海;崔咪芬. 氯化氢氧化反应-脱水耦合制氯工艺[J]. , 2007, 7(5): 939-943.
CHEN Xian;QIAO Xu;WANG Yong;TANG Ji-hai;CUI Mi-fen. Conversion of HCl to Cl2 by Coupling Oxidation Reaction and Dewatering[J]. , 2007, 7(5): 939-943.
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