›› 2007, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (2): 278-282.
• 反应与分离 • 上一篇 下一篇
XIE Zu-fang,CHEN Yuan,DAI Yan-ju,TONG Zhang-fa
摘要: 采用静态及动态法研究了717强碱阴离子交换树脂对水中磺基水杨酸的吸附解吸性能. 实验结果表明,在pH 2.2~12时,该树脂对磺基水杨酸有较强的吸附能力,吸附曲线符合Langmuir等温方程,吸附过程为焓驱动的放热熵减过程,吸附动力学以颗粒内扩散为主. 通过实验测得303 K时树脂静态饱和吸附容量为508 mg/g. 在315 K下用10%NaCl+2%NaOH溶液可快速洗脱树脂上吸附的磺基水杨酸,洗脱率达99%. 该树脂吸附操作简便,易再生,可望用于磺基水杨酸废水的治理及富集回收.
关键词: 717强碱阴离子交换树脂, 磺基水杨酸, 吸附, 热力学, 动力学
Abstract: The adsorption and elution of aqueous sulfosalicylic acid solution with 717 anion exchange resin were investigated by using dynamic and static methods. The experimental results show that the resin has high adsorption capacity and reusing ability. It can effectively adsorb sulfosalicylic acid in pH 2.2~12. The curve of adsorption obeys the Langmuir isotherm equation. The adsorption is a spontaneous, exothermal and entropy decreasing process. The adsorption kinetics is mainly affected by the intraparticle diffusion. The results indicate that the static saturated adsorption capacity is 508 mg/g (resin). The sulfosalicylic acid adsorbed in the resin can be eluted by 10%NaCl+2%NaOH solution quickly with elution rate reaching 99% at 315 K. The resin can be used in wastewater treatment and recovery of sulfosalicylic acid.
Key words: 717 anion exchange resin, sulfosalicylic acid, adsorption, thermodynamics, kinetics
谢祖芳;陈渊;戴艳菊;童张法. 717阴离子交换树脂吸附磺基水杨酸[J]. , 2007, 7(2): 278-282.
XIE Zu-fang;CHEN Yuan;DAI Yan-ju;TONG Zhang-fa. Adsorption of Sulfosalicylic Acid on 717 Anion Exchange Resin[J]. , 2007, 7(2): 278-282.
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