›› 2007, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (3): 628-631.
• 材料工程专栏 • 上一篇 下一篇
ZHANG Min,ZU Guo-yin,YAO Guang-chun
摘要: 采用复合轧制方法制备界面为冶金结合的泡沫铝三明治. 通过对制备出的泡沫铝三明治进行三点抗弯实验验证界面的结合性和整体的抗弯性. 对载荷-位移曲线进行分析,讨论两种不同孔隙率的三明治板的变形行为,结果表明二者明显不同. 低孔隙率(58.81%)的三明治板的抗弯强度和弯曲弹性模量比高孔隙率(76.21%)的大,而高孔隙率的三明治板的断裂吸收能和断裂挠度比低孔隙率的大. 实验结果对今后泡沫铝三明治板的设计有实际指导意义.
关键词: 泡沫铝三明治, 三点抗弯, 紧密结合界面, 变形行为, 抗弯强度
Abstract: A sandwich rolling processing technique was proposed for preparation of aluminum alloy foam sandwich with a metallurgical bonding interface. The practical bonding property of the interface and the bending resistance were demonstrated using three-point bending tests carried out with the prepared aluminum alloy foam sandwich panel. By analyzing the load-deflection curve, deformation behavior of two kinds of porosity sandwich panels was discussed. The deformation behavior was obviously different between two kinds of porosity sandwich panels. Both bending strength and bending elastic modulus of low porosity (58.81%) sandwich panel were larger than those of high porosity (76.21%) one. Both fracture energy and fracture deflection of high porosity sandwich panel were higher than those of low porosity one. The experimental results can be technological guidance to the practical design of the foam aluminum sandwich in the industry.
Key words: aluminum alloy foam sandwich, three-point bend, tightly bonding interface, deformation behavior, bending strength
张敏;祖国胤;姚广春. 新型泡沫铝三明治板的弯曲性能[J]. , 2007, 7(3): 628-631.
ZHANG Min;ZU Guo-yin;YAO Guang-chun. Bending Properties of Novel Aluminum Foam Sandwich Panels[J]. , 2007, 7(3): 628-631.
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