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过程工程学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (2): 354-361.DOI: 10.12034/j.issn.1009-606X.218223

• 过程与工艺 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨双平, 姬正宙*, 魏起书, 庞锦琨, 王 冲   

  1. 西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院,陕西 西安 710055
  • 收稿日期:2018-05-30 修回日期:2018-08-09 出版日期:2019-04-22 发布日期:2019-04-18
  • 通讯作者: 姬正宙 296976654@qq.com

Optimization of composition of dephosphorization residue based on response surface methodology

Shuangping YANG, Zhengzhou JI*, Qishu WEI, Jinkun PANG, Chong WANG   

  1. College of Metallurgical Engineering, Xi?an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi?an, Shaanxi 710055, China
  • Received:2018-05-30 Revised:2018-08-09 Online:2019-04-22 Published:2019-04-18

摘要: 铁水预脱磷的处理普遍采用石灰渣系,主要由CaO, FemOn和CaF2等组成,含CaF2高,炉衬侵蚀严重,且生成的含氟脱磷产物对环境危害大,不利于脱磷渣的综合利用。针对以上问题对脱磷渣系进行优化设计,采用FactSage软件考察单因素(FeO, Na2CO3和MnO含量、碱度和脱磷温度)对铁水脱磷效果的影响,采用响应曲面法(RSM)确定主要影响因素和水平,对铁水预熔脱磷渣配比进行优化。结合模拟结果,在CaO?SiO2?FeO渣系中添加助熔剂(Na2CO3与MnO)进行脱磷预处理实验。建立预测铁水脱磷率的多元回归模型,通过方差分析和响应曲面分析对各因素的交互作用进行优选,得到脱磷渣(CaO?SiO2?FeO?Na2CO3?MnO)的最佳配比。结果表明,脱磷率随碱度、FeO含量和助熔剂含量提高而增大,脱磷剂的最佳配比为37.79% FeO,6.24% Na2CO3,9.89% MnO,碱度4.50,温度1387℃。将预测结果用于实验,最终脱磷率为97.30%,相对误差为2.70%。响应曲面法可较好地预测和指导实验,按优化成分进行脱磷实验可获得较高的铁水脱磷率,此方法能为铁水脱磷提供理论指导。

关键词: FactSage计算软件, 响应曲面法, 脱磷率, 模型

Abstract: The lime-based slag system is generally applied to the treatment of pre-dephosphorization of molten iron, which mainly composed of CaO, FemOn, CaF2, etc. However, the CaF2 contained in the slag always results in the serious lining erosion and the environmental hazard caused by fluorine-containing dephosphorization by-product, which is not conducive to the comprehensive utilization of dephosphorization slag. The optimization design of dephosphorization slag system was carried out in the present study for the above problems. The effect of single factor (FeO, Na2CO3 and MnO content and basicity) on the dephosphorization of molten iron was investigated by Equilib modle in the FactSage calculation software. The main influencing factors such as FeO content, MnO content, Na2CO3 content, basicity and reaction temperature and the optimization design for the pre-melting dephosphorization slag composition were investigated by Box-Behnken modle in response surface methodology. A pre-mixing fluxing agent (Na2CO3 and MnO) was added to the CaO?SiO2?FeO slag system for dephosphorization pretreatment based on the single factor influence calculation. A multiple regression model to predict the dephosphorization rate of molten iron was established, the interaction of each factor and optimal composition of dephosphorization slag (CaO?SiO2?FeO?Na2CO3?MnO) were studied and optimized by variance analysis and response surface method, furthermore. The results showed that the calculated dephosphorization rate of molten iron was increased with the increasement of alkalinity, FeO content and flux content. The optimum dephosphorization conditions were 37.79% FeO, 6.24% Na2CO3, 9.89% MnO, with basicity of 4.50 and reaction temperature of 1387℃, the dephosphorization rate was 97.30% with relative error of 2.70%. The response surface methodology calculated result was in well accordance with experimental results of higher dephosphorization rate and can provide theoretical guidance for the industrial application of molten iron dephosphorization.

Key words: factSage simulation software, response surface methodology, dephosphorization rate, model