›› 2007, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4): 679-683.
• 反应与分离 • 上一篇 下一篇
LI Qian,WU Zhao-liang,ZHAO Yan-li,LIU Gui-min,WANG Lin
摘要: 以十二烷基苯磺酸为表面活性物质,自制的单金属离子水溶液为研究体系,对泡沫分离法除去水溶液中金属离子的工艺进行了研究,重点考察了溶液的pH、鼓泡气体流量、表面活性剂浓度及泡沫塔装液量的影响. 结果表明,十二烷基苯磺酸具有良好的起泡性能,对水溶液中铜离子的去除效果也比较理想,最佳操作条件下富集比为18.2,去除率为96.1%,与常规的表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠相比,十二烷基苯磺酸在泡沫分离过程结束后不会在体系中残留金属离子,这为探索脱盐新方法提供了依据.
关键词: 泡沫分离, 铜离子, 十二烷基苯磺酸, 分光光度法, 富集比, 去除率
Abstract: Removal of Cu2+ from simulated aqueous solution by foam fractionation was studied using C18H30SO3 as the surfactant, especially the effects of pH, gas flow rate, surfactant dosage and volume of the solution were examined. The experimental results showed that C18H30SO3 had good foam performance and removed Cu2+ effectively from aqueous solutions by foam fractionation. Enrichment ratio reached 18.2, and removal rate 96.1% under the optimized conditions. Comparing C18H30SO3 with the commonly used surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate, this technology would not leave Na+ in the aqueous solutions, thus a new idea was put forward for removing ions or salts by foam fractionation.
Key words: foam fractionation, Cu2+, C18H30SO3, spectrometric method, enrichment ratio, removal rate
李佥;吴兆亮;赵艳丽;刘桂敏;王琳. 泡沫分离法除去水溶液中微量铜离子的工艺[J]. , 2007, 7(4): 679-683.
LI Qian;WU Zhao-liang;ZHAO Yan-li;LIU Gui-min;WANG Lin. Removal of Trace Cu2+ from Aqueous Solution by Foam Fractionation[J]. , 2007, 7(4): 679-683.
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